This was my poker weekend while my wife was gone for her girls trip to Seaside, OR. I was hoping to get some quality time playing poker as well as spending time in my WSOP books and the WSOP Academy site on playing tournament poker. Sometimes I feel like I do to much book study and not enough actual play. Now that I can't spend the time playing online and learning to make plays I have to spend more time and more money to be able to play at our local casino.
On Thursday the tournament structure at the Jokers Casino was a $45 buy-in and you get T$10,000 in chips. The rounds were 15 minutes in length. This is not a bad structure to play in. This was also a bounty tournament so for every person you busted you received $10 back. I was able to bust two people during the evening. I ended up in 4th place. They paid 3 spots. I always try to take something away from each tournament as something I learned about myself, and the individuals I play against. Patience is a big item as well as when to shove and when to not give up. I find I will shove to easy when I get down in chips where if I just wait a little longer I might be able to double up and maintain in the tournament.
Friday was another tournament at Jokers Casino. This one was a $35 buy-in and you get T10,000 in chips. The rounds were 20 minutes in length. I like the longer rounds as it gives more time to play but also can be something that goes against you by playing more hands you shouldn't since you have a lower blinds for a greater amount of time. During this tournament I did just that. Too many hands early and then I just tightened up and was able to make it to the final table. This tournament I went out in 8th place. Again they paid 3 spots. Most of the time I can get to the final table it is just the problem of not having the chips I need to make a difference.
Sunday was the big tournament of the weekend. This one was a $210 buy-in and you get T$10,000 in chips. The rounds were 30 minutes in length. This was a nice tournament structure and was more in line with the Wildhorse Casino I play during their Roundups they have three times per year. I never got myself going during this tournament. I ended up in 31st position. I really think I gave up on myself. I shoved with AQ against AK and lost the pot and was out of the game. I had about $8000 left when I did this at the 300/600 blind level. Was it too soon? Should I have waited for a better spot? I figured the amount I was pushing in would take the others off of their hands. The caller must have thought about it for 5 minutes before he finally called me. It would have been a good double up and would have gotten me into the next session towards the money. What can I learn from this?
So many things going on with my family right now. Mom with Alzheimers and Cancer and decisions that need to be made. Problems with my neck C7 and I think it is locking up on me. Can't even do my exercises right now.
Ok, back to the books before the next tournament this week.
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