We went to Red Robin for Shala's Birthday lunch. Another fine restaurant. I love to eat the Guacomole Burger and the Onion Strings. Everyone had fun and the grandkids did well. Our oldest son and his wife had lost their drivers licenses the last week and had gone to the DMV to have them replaced. Now when you get the replacement you get a paper copy of the license. Our two oldest sons went into the bar to get a drink and Red Robin would not honor the paper copy of the drivers license. Instead of one of them having a drink they both walked out and did not drink during the event. My hat is off to them both. Both of them handled the situation very nicely and everyone still had fun.
After the meal we all split up and we headed over to:

Yes, we went back to Lowe's because Cindy wanted to make sure on pricing and to look at the vanity's one more time before making up our minds. Or I should say her mind. So far Home Depot is better in pricing. Sorry Jimmie Johnson (48) and now we spend with (20). I am a NASCAR fan. We do start the remodel tomorrow. Today we are going to be working on the rooms to get them prepared for the week.
Speaking of NASCAR I did watch the race last night. I think the new restricter plate rules and the spoiler will make for an interesting race next week. I am a Jeff Gordan fan (24) so will keep an eye on the year. I really would like to see Junior win and do well this year. Makes you wonder why his car does not perform like the other three. Same team but somehow things are different.
Today is Superbowl and really I don't have a favorite. I would like to see the Saints win today just for the sake of it. I am a Rams fan and have been since the 60's. I do like the Seahawks but my allegience goes to the Rams.
I did play some poker last night on FT. I was able to break even for the night. I was 1-3. That one win did make up for the 3 losses or should I say in the money and not in the money. Doesn't have to be a win to get to positive or break even. The first three games was hard. My QQ's lost to a set of 6's and then my two pair lost to Quad 3's. Wow, I was having a real hard time but I figured the cards would come back my way if I just stayed with it. I got real passive last night and laid down a number of hands that I would normally play. I was at the bubble and wanted to make sure I was going to get into the money. Once I made it I then opened up my game a little bit more. I do better if I have a bigger chip count and can start to bully the table. I didn't have that last night so I had to take my lumps and fight through and try to move up in my chip count.
I started watching the videos last night that I received from Jonathan Little. He is talking through players games and showing us what we should be doing and what the player is doing wrong. He likes to shove and that is one area I don't like to do unless I am sure of the winnning hand. I don't like to put myself at risk to get put out of any tournament.
Have fun watching the Super Bowl.
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