Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Now that I have decided to only play the Friday and the Sunday tournaments there are a few days in between that there is little to write about other than some daily routine stuff that I do.

I was finally able to find a stock that fit what I needed and I set it up for a buy last night. This morning I looked at my phone and sure enough it went through and I am now in PWAV as a momentum stock. I would really like to hit a homerun with something. It would feel like winning a big Poker Tournament. I have been learning to sit on my hands with these stock picks. Since I have little capital in my account I can't daytrade any of these stocks and have to hold for 24 hours. I have still on the positive side of the original capital so I am doing alright.

Today is my parents 60th Anniversary. We are taking them to Red Lobster this evening. Remember that Mom has Alzheimers and they are living in different care units. This is going to be hard on Dad and I hope we all make it through the evening. This is sad but we want to celebrate the 60 years that they have been together.

I have some friends that got me started playing "Words" on my iPhone. It is fun to play the game on your time. It may take us a couple of days to play one game. Right now I have 4 games going at the same time. Makes you put your thinking cap on and come up with words that are at least 4 or 5 letters long. The 3 letter words are the easier ones.

If you want to try some good Barbeque Sauce you must try He has some mild to hot stuff going. Tell him Steve sent you.

Have a fun day......

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