Sunday, December 18, 2005

Sunday 12-18-05

Getting ready to go back to work tomorrow morning. It has been a nice weekend. Went to a Christmas musical on Saturday and then that evening had a Christmas Party to go to. They brought in Belly Dancers for the entertainment. At the end of the show the guys in the room had their picture taken with the girls. How do they do that dancing? Today we had a Birthday party to go to and that was fun as well.

I have had a headache most of the day and will now take some of my Migraine medicine to make it through the night and hopefully by tomorrow it will be gone.

Watching the Forex and I am not close to any buying points yet. Would like to have another week like last week and pull in 200 - 300 pips.

No poker either this weekend since I was on call and had two calls this weekend so being on the computer would not have worked. Got to keep the computer open for work on those days. I did that once and got caught and had to throw all my chips away just to do work related stuff. That was not good. Live and learn.

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